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"verbal and non-verbal communication in political speech of city councilors of curitiba's city hall"

Writer: Natalia ChioratoNatalia Chiorato

2016 -- BRITO, Natalia. Mazetto.; Curitiba: PUCPR, 2016. Mentored by Professor Marcos José Zablonsky, Public Relations, Social Communication, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.


Introduction: This research paper of monograph course conclusion has as subject the verbal and non verbal communication in political speech of city councilors of Curitiba's city hall in Brazil. As a research problem, the study asks how the communication is manifested in political speeches.

Objective: As a general objective, elements of verbal and non-verbal communication were analyzed, applied in many speeches of five city councilors of Curitiba's city hall. For research quality, many sources was considered as evidences.

Methodologies: Case of study, exploratory research, qualitative research, quantitative research, clipping and speech analysis. Supported by these methodologies it was collected relevant data for research, and based in triangulation method, results was obtained about the study topic.

Results: The results point that the process of political communication is constituted by the union of Laswell's (1948) and Vanoye (1973) theory, in way that political speeches combine verbal and non verbal communication in conscious or unconscious way. Speeches attached in communication vehicles as newspapers and more, was also analyzed and therefore, the results point to a premeditated response effect characterized as public perception. Also, was verified that politicians that received advice from communication professionals in meanwhile the research was happening, got positive strategic results with public perception than those who don't. Lastly, the results point that despite the professional of Public Relations have emerged and been established in Brazil on the political ambit, there aren't many roles held for those professionals on the field, which points to an opportunity for Public Relations professionals to expand in the area. Therefore, this study provides relevant and theoretical basis to any person and professional working with communication, speeches and even sales.

Keywords: verbal communication, non verbal communication, political communication, political speech, press office.


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